The difference between dielectric strength tester and electrical strength tester

The electrical strength tester is also called the withstand voltage test. To put it simply, any electrical equipment has an insulation strength, and the insulation strength of different rated voltages is different. When a certain voltage level is exceeded, the insulation of the device will be broken down. The electrical strength test is to add a certain high voltage to the device under test (refer to the IEC standard or national standard) to see if it will cause breakdown. If it does not break down, pass, and breakdown means failure.

This test is usually done before the equipment leaves the factory. It may be just shaking the insulation on site. In addition, the test is a destructive test and, once broken down, cannot be repaired.

The electrical strength test, also known as the withstand voltage test, is characterized by the fact that the insulating material is broken down to exhibit the characteristics of the conductor, and the variation characteristics of the relevant electrical parameters are examined to determine whether the insulating material is broken down.

Is a measure of the electrical strength of a material as an insulator. It is defined as the maximum voltage that a unit thickness is subjected to when the sample is broken down, expressed as volts per unit thickness. The greater the dielectric strength of the material, the mass it acts as an insulator. The better.

Waterproof Junction Box

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