This headset was sold for 30 years ago today

How to buy headphones?

Faced with the mixed headphone market, the sound quality is cheap! Seemingly "affordable", but the pros and cons of the headset, unlike what one sees and thinks, go to the digital retail store for 50 yuan and grab a lot. This sweeping purchase method can only be bought at most as "a toy." There is still a long way to go with "high quality". The earliest three standards that individuals consider to be more important are wearing comfortable ears, tri-band fullness, and pure appearance. The speaker unit structure, playback equipment, audio compression quality, and other detailed experience are other 4 bigger. Usually we use mostly headsets on PCs, and phones prefer earphones, with the exception of KOSS PORTA PRO.

Dynamic VS moving iron headphones how to buy?

Speaking of the difference between the speaker unit structure and the dynamic VS moving iron, it seems that the dynamic headset has always been in a weak position, but it is not useless: first, the price is more flexible; although it is less sensitive than the moving iron, but the structural loose performance of the sound field is stronger; The details are less than moving iron, but the momentum is dominant: the resolving power is not high, the sound is very warm, the three-frequency convergence is smooth, and the bass is thick and shocking. The most difficult to do in 3 frequency is the bass. If you only require deep dive, it is easy to have a good resolution. The degree of resolution can reach the quality of the bass. It's difficult to use a headset with less than 500. The tone is adjusted so that speaking to the bottle is a kind of audio rendering, but it is easy to get bored for a long time. The same price is more suitable if bass is required for quality and quantity, but KOSS PP is not inferior to any low impedance headset even if it is a mobile phone.

Summarize the characteristics of several widely recognized headset brands in the market:

Most buyers of Monster Beats are local-class enthusiasts, and the high selling price has also been a reason for many fans to deter; Sennheiser is mainly classical and resistant to hearing; Iron Triangle is characterized by female voice performance; Sony Bass is a selling point, but after listening for a long time, it is easy to feel dizzy. Although the walker is a domestic boutique, it mainly sells low-end products and sells at a cost-effective price. The tuning of other mid-range and low-end headphones is basically popular and will not be introduced here. Talk about the KOSS (Gaussian) PORTA PRO headphones with Jay Chou and Jordan today! ! ! Not much to say, let's watch the video loading...

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