One of the most critical factors affecting the success or failure of the Elisa experiment is incubation. Elisa as a solid phase immunoassay, the antigen-antibody binding reaction is carried out on a solid phase. If the antigen or antibody in the liquid phase is to be completely bound to a specific antibody or antigen on the solid phase, it needs to react under certain temperature conditions. A certain time. Shanghai Jinma Biotechnology Co., Ltd. reminds you that you need to pay attention to the incubation problem when using the elisa kit for experiments.
The time required for incubation is inversely proportional to temperature, ie the higher the temperature, the shorter the time required. The most commonly used incubation temperatures are 37 ° C and room temperature, followed by 43 ° C and 2 to 8 ° C. Some operators, arbitrarily change the manual operation, use their favorite incubation time and incubation temperature, which causes unnecessary trouble. Because different kits have different incubation times and incubation temperature options, arbitrarily changing the incubation time or incubation temperature will result in bias in the test results.
Insulation method: Elisa instrument is equipped with a special electric heating block and water bath.
Shanghai Jinma reminds us to use the incubator: Elisa board is placed in the wet box, the wet gauze is placed at the bottom of the box, and the Elisa board is finally placed on the wet gauze. The reaction plates should not be stacked to ensure that the temperature of each plate can be quickly balanced. For the reaction at room temperature, the room temperature during the operation should be strictly limited to the specified range. The standard room temperature refers to 20-25 ° C, but the specific conditions can be controlled according to the requirements of the instructions. It should be noted that the temperature and time of incubation should be as accurate as required. In order to ensure this, one person should not measure more than two plates at the same time.
Shanghai Jinma Bioassay Kit raw materials are imported and self-contained with special formula diluent (the intra- and inter-assay coefficient of variation of pre-coated microplates are less than 10%), after strict cross-reaction and interference test and stability test It is clear that its high sensitivity achieves the best performance for the tested samples. ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is commonly used to qualitatively and quantitatively assess cytokines, chemokines, growth factors, post-phosphorylation targets, immunoglobulins, and other immunological markers, ensuring high-quality performance while balancing costs.
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