Tencent Digital (Du Jie) “What is the difference between your app and the well-known Procreat in the circle?†When I turned this question to Wang Lei, Autodesk’s senior product line manager, honestly speaking , his answer was not I am satisfied.
Autodesk is the developer of the famous AutoCAD, but their app is far more than this one. SketchBook is a drawing software they developed on the iPad Pro platform. "Unfortunately", it is very similar to the famous Procreat function, and the latter When the iPad Pro was launched, a few popular apps that optimized for the 12.9-inch big screen and supported Apple Pencil became a must-have application for many iPad Pro users, and the two softwares directly “crashed†for the iPad Pro Eco. For the chain, it is a good thing.
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When the 12.9-inch iPad Pro was released in September last year, the software it supported was not so large that when the first domestic criticism came in November, there was a considerable number of third-party apps that were not on the App Store — though Theoretically, apps that don’t fit can also be used on this large-format tablet, but the unprecedented 2732 x 2048 resolution lets you “sweep the sand in your eyes,†and those that don’t fit are like you The computer was brought back to the display level of 800 x 600 resolution at the end of the last century.
Now that this situation has been fundamentally improved, not only many popular productivity tools and entertainment applications have released versions compatible with iPad Pro, but also a considerable amount of software is born for this large-screen device.
Like the aforementioned Procreat, perhaps its visibility was only limited to small circles before the iPad Pro was released, but it is clear that its support for Apple Pencil has earned it more users, many of whom purchased this large-format tablet. Both of them are equipped with this kind of creative software that can be graffitied, and the most praised is its wide variety of strokes. Through different strokes, colors, transparency and masks, you can create very complex works in this software. I even thought that comics such as Tezuka Osamu, Fujiko Fujio, and Toriyama are all very difficult if we had such equipment and software at that time.
However, when faced with the founder of this company, James Cuda, I still throw out the most worrying question: "How do you think about the pressure of Apple Pencil?"
There is a background. As a professional drawing tool, Apple has never announced Apple Pencil's pressure level. For professionals, this indicator is very important. At the beginning of the new product launch, I also heard some professionals criticize this long-awaited Apple Pencil. How does Procreat, which relies heavily on this device, see this issue?
James Cuda told me that they had done a lot of tuning work on Apple Pencil's adaptations since the beginning of R&D. He didn't think that Apple Pencil's pressure level was not enough. On the contrary, he thought that using this pen could be very arbitrary.
Also very dependent on Apple Pencil there is GoodNotes notebook application, this price of up to 50 yuan application, the user's evaluation is surprisingly good, the reason why everyone originally intended to spend two lunch money (I was not too shy ) To buy a free-to-play piece of software, largely because it feels too much like writing on paper.
In the era before the appearance of Apple Pencil, a large number of users were willing to purchase GoodNotes even if they used a third-party capacitive pen from Zhongguancun. The appeal of this app was obvious. After Apple Pencil was released with iPad Pro, GoodNotes became even more justified.
I even feel that sometimes the demand is artificially created, like the usual habit that I don't have any notes at all, but I still don't think iPad Pro is loaded with such a software. It is a waste of Apple Pencil. After all, it feels so good to use it. Now.
However, I also asked Steven Chan, the founder of GoodNotes, to ask a question: "Is Apple's own memo application more powerful year after year. Will it affect you?"
Chen Haoyi's answer sums up one sentence: Our handwriting function is very powerful!
In fact, GoodNotes's competitors are not Apple memos. Noteplus, Notabilty, Note Taker, Upad, Noteshelf, Moleskine, ink pens and so on are all their opponents, but when it comes to "handy" this more subjective experience, with Apple Pencil First-rate GoodNotes really do my job.
Of course, iPad Pro is not only favored by developers because it supports Apple Pencil. For its 12.9-inch screen, it is itself a productivity tool, such as Apple's iMovie and GarageBand. In the previous era of small screens, using these two creative softwares on mobile devices was a little bit painful. I wanted you to find a computer to solve this problem in minutes, but the release of iPad Pro made you think that this “little thing†was not. Necessary, please send the computer out.
As the size of the tablet becomes larger, the workstations of the two softwares become larger, and it becomes very convenient whether the clip materials are dragged or played directly on the screen. If an external Smart Keyboard is used, you can even obtain operation shortcut keys.
In addition, relying on the iPad Pro processor and large-capacity RAM, such as editing multiple 4K video at the same time, or simultaneous synthesis of multiple musical instruments and audio tracks, can also be completed in a blink of an eye, anyway, iMovie this simple software The use of experience, iPad Pro really is a better experience than the MacBook, GarageBand not to mention, iPad Pro on the big screen can play several groups of keyboards at the same time, this you want MacBook how to get?
Similarly, you will feel more comfortable to use on the iPad Pro than MacBook, and Affinity is an image processing software very similar to PhotoShop. Although it is not yet on the shelves in China, it does not hinder my expectations of it. After all, PhotoShop Several components are not always in the country yet?
Neil Ladkin, the creative director of Affinity, showed me some of the features of the software. Among the features I was impressed by was the "Scartless Picture" and the "Isolate Picture" - this is the name I gave it. The most hated by general beauty editors is to "hit your hair," and you have to use the path selection tool to pull out a little. If it is Fan Bingbing's long, flowing hair, you must smash your eyes after you finish...
But Affinity allows you to use Apple Pencil to roughly finish the hair after the hair is applied. The “spacer†is also able to “disappear†when it is applied to an object that you want to remove. You can't see the traces completely. After dealing with Affinity, you don't want to use PhotoShop.
Neil Ladkin told me that I can handle it so fast on the iPad Pro, not to mention that you thought, certainly because of the high processor and RAM configuration.
Let’s go back to the AutoCAD mentioned in this article. Actually, Wang Lei showed me an “astounding†function. On the iPad Pro, the Beijing map with a lot of design data can be instantly reduced from a stadium to only Seeing the bird's eye view of the 12345 ring, this skill dazzled me with 100 points.
In fact, in indoor and outdoor, garden design and other fields to show their talents AutoCAD, is best suited to appear on the iPad Pro, all those who have found home improvement company designers know that how to use the laptop to change the design of the home improvement site is a painful thing, change It's much easier to make an iPad Pro, and even the customer himself will change, and the most convenient is the on-site measurement.
Having said so much you will find two things. First, the iPad Pro is indeed a productivity tool. It has successfully transferred the work that had previously only been done by the computer to the tablet, and even completed it better than the computer. Second, the application ecosystem of iPad Pro is becoming more and more perfect, and the user's choice is becoming wider and wider. At the same time, the hardware performance and peripheral accessories of iPad Pro allow developers to obtain better development inspiration on this platform.
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